2023 Abp. Elder Council Christmas Party

Worthy Brothers, family members, and friends,

What a spectacular Christmas party. We had 69 attendees, including 32 family members and four friends. This was the largest party since I began attending these festivities in 2016.

We were honored to have our Pastor and Worthy Chaplain of the Council, Fr. John Paul Walker, O. P., our Faithful Friar of the Precious Blood Assembly, Fr. Joachim Kenney, O.P. and our Prior, Fr. John Langlois, O.P.

In tribute to the strength of our Council, Brother Knights ranged from one of our senior Knights, Brother John Holden, to our youngest member, Brother Joseph Brecount, to two of our newest members, Brothers Bill Laverty and Jim Swift.

The food was delicious and plentiful, and Patti and her team did a marvelous job providing excellent service.

Our revered auctioneer, Brother Jonathan Pearson, did his usual conjuring at the White Elephant Auction, pitting brother against brother, against priests, against family members.

Worthy Brother Fred Bowling recognized the current inflation rate and finally raised his usual minuscule bid from $1.00 to $1.25.

After Jonathan, the auction’s three most popular ‘individuals’ were ‘Mr. Stein’, ‘Mr. Craig’, and former ‘President Trump.’

Finally, thank you to each of you for the gift of your presence. You made this evening one that will be long remembered.

Thank you to Brother George Kimura, who captured many of the party’s highlights. See the pictures below.


December Blood Drive

Abp. Elder Council held a Blood Drive on December 27, 2023, at St. Gertrude. There were 24 volunteers, and we collect 23 units of blood. This represents 69 potential lives that were saved. Thank you to all the Brother Knights who participated.

The next scheduled date on the Hoxworth Blood Center calendar is Friday, June 7, 2024. If you donate blood at any Hoxworth Blood Center before the date, use the code SEQ for
St. Gertrude to receive credit.

2023 Rosary Christmas Social

After the December Rosary Social, Abp. Elder Council held a Christmas Party. There were readings, singing of Christmas carols, cookies, and even a visit from Mr. & Mrs. Claus. We had approximately 25 Brothers, family members, and friends in attendance.

The Catholic Family in a Post-Christian World

At our October Business Meeting, our Lecturer presented the above video from the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council. This new series is part of their Into the Breach: The Mission of the Family: https://www.kofc.org/un/en/campaigns/into-the-breach.html

Relatedly, there is a very good book on living in a “new apostolic age.” The book is called “From Chistendom to Apostolic Mission: Pastoral Strategies for an Apostolic Age” by James Patrick Shea and published by the University of Mary.