Past Grand Knight Portraits for Abp. Elder and Fr. Wittrock Councils

The official portraits of Past Grand Knights of both Archbishop Elder council and Fr. Wittrock council (which merged with Elder in the 1970’s) have been hung in the hallway outside the council hall – former Wittrock GKs on one side and former Elder GKs on the other.

The backstory here is that these portraits once hung on the wall inside the council hall until we had water damage to the hall back in 2010. It was this damage that led to the renovation of the hall with the rich paneling and green walls that you see today. The portraits were placed in a box and have resided in a closet for the last nearly 15 years. It is fitting to restore them to a place of visibility and honor where current council members can view and pay tribute to those who preceded us as Knights of Columbus!

Inspirational Message from our Worthy Chaplain, Father John Paul

Please take time to read Father John Paul’s message below and in the Saint Gertrude Bulletin this weekend. It is an inspiration for all, especially us Knights.

Father speaks about his recent trip to the annual Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention, which was held in Quebec City this year. And he also has some exciting news about a special family coming to and speaking at St. Gertrude’s on September 15. The family is the Schachle family whose son Mikey was miraculously healed through the intercession of Blessed Father McGivney.

Vivat Jesus!

I have recently returned from a week in Quebec City, Canada, which was this year’s location for the Supreme Convention of the Knights of Columbus, the 142nd Supreme Convention since Blessed Father Michael McGivney founded the Knights in 1882. This was my seventh convention and, as with the others, I left the week inspired by what I had seen and heard and more certain than ever that the Knights have a critical role to play in the revival of faith and family life in our Church and our world.

In this Sunday’s bulletin letter, I share some of the highlights of what the Knights have done this past year—the impact is phenomenal!

God bless,

Father John Paul Walker, O.P., Pastor

PS. I have some very exciting news to share. At 7:30 p.m. on the evening of September 15, a very special family will be speaking at our parish. More details are in my bulletin letter:

SK Honor Guard at the Dominican Investiture Mass

Abp. Elder Council would like to thank Worthy Vice Supreme Master Ed Ponder and Worthy District Marshall Michael Byrne for leading the Honor Guard on Thursday, August 15th – The Feast of the Assumption. This is a special Feast and Mass for the St. Joseph Province of the Dominican Order. The Dominican Novice Brothers make their First Profession of Religious Life before going on to further education and formation at the Dominican House of Studies.

Thanks to all the Sir Knights who turned out in support!

The Silver Rose Prayer Service June 24, 2024 – Recap

he Silver Rose Prayer Service held last evening was a resounding success, with nearly 60 people in attendance. The event showcased a powerful demonstration of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity, with almost 30 Brother Knights from the Elder Council and Councils in the Cincinnati Archdiocese actively participating.

Brother Mark Kosobud began the evening with an impactful introduction, setting the tone for the service. Subsequently, Brothers Jim Swift, Phil Motz, Bill Shefcik, Kevin Graham, Rick Bissonnette, and John Leventis guided the parishioners in praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary. Finally, Brother John Mullan engaged the congregation in reading the New Testament.

Fr. Luke and Br. Gregory upheld reverence throughout the prayer service. Fr. Luke delivered a powerful homily about ‘two lives in the wombs’, Our Lord Jesus and the Forerunner, John the Baptist, who changed the world. Christopher Holman’s musical contribution, particularly the rendition of the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, was truly magnificent.

Lastly, several Knights from other councils who attended the event commended the participation of the priests, a deacon, and the music director. The Silver Rose was a focal point, with numerous attendees taking pictures with it. Several parishioners considered the event inspirational and thanked our council for hosting it.

We want to express our sincere gratitude to all the Brothers who played a vital role in guiding the parishioners before and after the service and then stayed to clean up afterward. A special thanks to Denise Motz and Barbara Swift for their invaluable contribution in cutting and serving the cake during the social gathering that followed the service. Lastly, a big thank you to Worthy Brother Ed Geiser, who generously spent the evening photographing the event and humbly declined to be in any of the pictures. Brother Ed, you truly captured this special evening.