ASAP- Mater Filius Queen City

The Knights of Columbus have an important initiative called ASAP – Aid and Support After Pregnancy. Abp. Elder Council have contributed to this effort through a donation (that included a $100 donation by the Supreme Council) and visit to the Mater Filius Queen City Maternity Home.

For more information about the ASAP program, see the following link:

Baby Bottle Collection for Old St. Mary Pregnancy Center

Abp. Elder Council was once again blown away by the incredible generosity of the parishioners of St. Gertrude. Our council conducted our annual baby bottle collection for the Crisis Pregnancy ministry at Old St. Mary’s. This is a picture of the 256 bottles we collected during the 2021 Baby Bottle Collection. Thank you again St. Gertrude!

Video of Life Forward’s New Ultrasound in Action

Brothers of Archbishop Elder Council, we received the following message from Russell Newsom of Life Forward:

I hope you guys are well! … Life Forward in Loveland is now up and fully running and some exciting things are happening there… given your large role in making this happen, I wanted to send you links to a great 7-minute video presentation of the new Loveland facility in action. It’s a great video. I’ll also include a video of the entire event, should anyone be interested in seeing even more. Thank you all again for your extraordinary gift – it is already helping people and is going to have an extraordinary impact.

2021 Cincinnati Mini-March for Life

PGK Tom Hahn reported that there was a good turnout for this year’s Mini-March for Life. The March began at Holy Name Church and processed to the Planned Parenthood facility on Auburn Ave. Despite the cold, the snow, the ice, and a pandemic, many gathered to pray for an end to abortion and pray for mothers, fathers, and their children. Vivat Jesus!