Tuesday, March 21, members of our Council volunteered to help with the annual Bobby Fairfax Free Throw event, putting smiles on the some of Cincinnati’s top athletes! Congratulations to all the boys and girls that participated and came home with some goodies.
Abp. Elder Council hosted our annual TopGolf Fundraiser event on March 18, 2023. Brother Mark Holland provided some pictures of the fun had by all. Congratulations to our winners!
Below are some notes and pictures from our Business Meeting on March 03, 2023.
Our Worthy Chaplain, Fr. John Paul Walker, OP, blessed the Icon of Blessed Michael J. McGivney that depicts the miracle that led to his Beatification – the healing of preborn Mikey Schachle of a life-threatening condition. Fr. John Paul received the picture and gave it to the Council.
Worthy State Treasurer, Mike Felerski, attended our meeting and addressed the Council. He also supplied the refreshments after the meeting. Thank you Worthy Brother Mike!
Finally, Worthy Brothers Brian Farwick and John Leventis, Jr. were awarded the Shining Armor Award.
Criteria for the Shining Armor award: Within the first year, a new Brother Knight must:
Attend the Exemplification (online or in-person)
Work on 3 Faith in Action Programs
Attend a minimum of 3 Council meetings
Meet with the Council’s insurance agent or attend a fraternal benefit night
The Knights of Columbus are getting the word out about this fantastic opportunity for Catholic men to be inspired and renewed in their faith. Additionally, there are opportunities to volunteer to work this event at the Cintas Center (contact info is at the bottom of the home page for those wanting to assist).
As part of the Knights of Columbus’ ASAP (Aid and Support After Pregnancy), our Grand Knight and members of our Council presented Elizabeth New Life Center with a donation and received a tour of the facilities.